IDVAAC conducts numerous webcasts which deal with subjects including Domestic Violence and Prisoner Re-entry, Cultural Competency, Working with Native Families, People of Color with Disabilities, and Community Insights into Domestic Violence.


Prisoner Re-Entry and Tracking Revocation and New Charges

Training for Parole and Community Supervision in the state of Michigan to support the use and validation of the DVPSQ This webcast discusses the Domestic Violence Problem Solving Questionnaire (DVPSQ) an assessment tool being developed by Dr. Lance Becker and Dr. Oliver J. Williams, for the purpose of determining whether men who are coming out of prison, (regardless of the reason their were sent) are in High, Medium, or Low risk of domestic violence once they return to their community. During the next eighteen months this assessment tool is being validated in the state of Michigan in specific counties. While they are in prison, men will be given the DVPSQ to record their responses to specific questions.
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Domestic Violence and Prisoner Reentry: The Minnesota Experience (May 8, 2009)
Presented By: Farris Bell, John Staloch, Dr. Oliver J. Williams

Across the country, more than 650,000 people are released from state and federal correctional institutions each year. Many of these individuals are African American men who have families awaiting their return; some with former or current partners that they have abused. Minnesota has taken this issue seriously, implementing a project on a state level to assess needs and meet the challenges of prisoners and service providers. This webcast will provide an overview of the Minnesota experience. Presenters will discuss the intersection of domestic violence and prisoner reentry and highlight considerations for policy and practice as it relates to the criminal justice system, victim advocacy programs and community-based organizations working with offenders and victims in Minnesota.
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Domestic Violence and Prisoner Reentry: Experiences of African American Women and Men Webcast (June 12, 2008)

When men are sent to prison many people forget that most return back to the communities and families they left. Each year over 650,000 men are released from prison back to the community. Although intimate partner violence may not be the reason for their incarceration, it is often the reason for their parole revocation and the charge for returning to prison. In reentry planning, female partners, particularly battered women, have few supports connecting them to safety, services, and support when he returns. Domestic violence advocates are critical to assisting battered women who previously or still maintain a relationship with these men. This presentation will focus on what domestic violence advocates and battered women in this situation have relayed about how help is defined and what should be done to identify and assist them in the context of intimate partner violence.
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